Why did stormtroopers wear armor that didn't work against blasters? Message Board

Armor, though it's clunky and slows you down, makes sense when it protects you from attack. But as we've seen, armor doesn't stop blasters, so what's the point in wearing them? In fact, armor doesn't even stop Ewok arrows!

Since stormtrooper armor isn't functional, do you think it's a fashion statement? That the Emperor liked his soldiers to be making clunking sounds when they walked around in matching white? What do you think about that?

Also, check out my video showing how ineffective stormtrooper armor really is.

Nevar posts on 5/15/2005 8:57:12 AM Dumb question. Why did Vader wear the Mask,helmet and armor.
Darth Bastila posts on 5/14/2005 5:09:21 PM I think that it is more when a bullet hits a bullet profe vest. the wearer does not die but he feels emenses pain do to the blow. which could lead to death if hit in the right place.
missjoy54751 posts on 5/14/2005 12:00:52 AM You have asked the age old question since Star Wars first came out on the big screen. the answer is... Because Darth was the only one who could stand out and be impressive looking.

guess who posts on 5/13/2005 5:15:58 AM Kayleb do you by any chance live in Scotland??
Ian posts on 5/12/2005 12:40:05 AM First of all on what brit was saying about "if clones knew their armor couldn't protect them against blasters they would at least hide and then shoot" clones are stupid drones for the empire they cannot process commands...they blindly fallow any order given to them, they don't think first maybe I should hide...second of all I doubt anyone really cares how effective storm trooper armor is since there power is in numbers not efficiency. No one cares if a few thousand clones die from blasters because their armor is defective, the fall of the empire was due to large scale destruction of their fleets combined with the death of their emperor, not a shortage of storm troopers.
sassyguy posts on 5/10/2005 2:34:55 AM IMHO, Meseret Araya hit it on the head (so to speak) with his "they're all gay" theory. Stormtroopers wear their (apparently) totally ineffective armour simply _because_ it accentuates their pecs, buttocks and groinal areas for a look so totally "sassy" that approximately 10% their enemies (statistically) will be driven to polish their torpedoes before pulling their triggers. As a result, the troopers will have an unfair window of opportunity in which to "overcome" them. Sorry...
Ex_ReVeN posts on 5/8/2005 7:58:50 AM The reason for stormtroopers not having armour that protected them is simple. There are countless types of armour, protecting from sharp attacks, ballistics attacks, radiation and the like... Laser fire can be crossed off our list because im thinking noone will ever invent something that can ward off superheated plasma...As for sticks and stones, maybe the stormtroopers are allergic to them :D?
Darth Bob posts on 5/5/2005 4:04:56 PM The reason Stormtrooper armor can't even deflect sticks and stones is due to the ancient concept of "plot device." If cool stormtrooper armor actually worked, the story would be over too soon. It's the same reason why whenever we have one hero and forty stormtroopers, the hero is a crack-shot and none of the stormtroopers can hit the side of a barn. Gads, there are some loser freaks on this message board.
Jack Tenbusch posts on 4/28/2005 7:00:01 PM Dude the reaseon ythat blasters work on stormtroopers is that the rebel is the big idea in star wars episodes, i mean, "all hail the rebel!" I just saying give stormtroopers a chance to be the main guys. Im a stormtrooper lover. And I think if there was a movie about the main idea about troops. I wish they could make something like that. but noooo! lets think about jedi! I think the jedi are going overbord. I would rather be a stormtrooper then a jedi any day!
Darth Badass posts on 4/25/2005 9:08:34 PM Ray you are an idiot. Gas and outer space ahve nothing to do with storm trooper armor. yes, it helps them adapt to different plantes' environments, but to say that they are not protection at all is a complete falsehood. Obviously the Rebels are not the only people that storm troopers fought, and how could you fool people into thinking you have armor when you dont for SEVERAL YEARS. You dont thinkt he Rebels would have figured that out?
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