Why did stormtroopers wear armor that didn't work against blasters? Message Board

Armor, though it's clunky and slows you down, makes sense when it protects you from attack. But as we've seen, armor doesn't stop blasters, so what's the point in wearing them? In fact, armor doesn't even stop Ewok arrows!

Since stormtrooper armor isn't functional, do you think it's a fashion statement? That the Emperor liked his soldiers to be making clunking sounds when they walked around in matching white? What do you think about that?

Also, check out my video showing how ineffective stormtrooper armor really is.

Maximus posts on 2/10/2005 9:41:56 PM I guess when it comes right down to it, if you want good, hard-hitting military sci-fi, read a David Drake novel about Hammer's Slammers. We will most likely never see that kind of action on the big screen but wouldn't it be a hoot to see one of the Slammers' 190 ton hover tanks go up against an AT-AT? Better yet, since we are talking about big walkers, I wonder how Moblie Suit Gundams would do against an AT-AT, or any vehicle in Star Wars? With Amuro at the controls it was usually one shot, one kill! Too bad the Rebels didn't have a Mobile Suit or two to help them or one for Luke. Essentially, the Jedi and New Types are the same thing just in different universes.
Kayleb posts on 2/7/2005 6:48:29 PM I often wondered about stormtrooper armour. I did read somewhere that it was designed to protect a soldier against physical damage from things like shrapnel and projectile weapons, but like you mentioned, It's no match for Ewok clubs and sticks. Maybe it's some kind of environmental sealed suit that allows the trooper to fight in toxic atmospheres, and allows the deployment of chemical and biological agents without the danger of ‘friendly' casualties. Even though we never see such weapons used in starwars, this would almost make sense. I think they are also a ‘fashion statement' in that they make a stormtrooper appear less human. This makes them a more acceptable target for our heroes' blasters. We don't really want to see the agony in the faces of the bad guys as our heroes' bast big holes in them. That would take away some of their ‘goodness'.
Raptor posts on 1/24/2005 2:27:36 PM ...because Donald Rumsfeld said their armor was plenty good enough as is.

Monger posts on 1/23/2005 11:53:01 AM On Armor... Stormtrooper armor is effective against weapons IN GENERAL. Damage taken depends on three things: The skill of the shooter, the damage of the weapon, and if the armor is worn effectivly. If you have a club, you can still do damage; It's not unreasonable for 20+ ewoks to surprise and take out 6 (count 'em) stormtroopers.
Banaticus posts on 1/23/2005 8:02:07 AM Palpatine was using the Force to cloak himself -- essentially wrapping himself in a big wet Force blanket. That's why Yoda, et al, didn't spot him as a Force user. He grew new clones, then transferred his personality/powers into the body of the new young vital clone and let his older body die. If he couldn't tranfer his powers to a clone, then he would have had to relearn all of his Force abilities with every transfer. Which would have negated his ability to hide his presence in the Force.
darth nater posts on 1/21/2005 1:37:15 PM HK what ever is an idiot pelpitien can't be a clone his been around for years and looks nothing like a clone (if made by jango fett). Besides i dont think force powers run threw clones enyway
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