Aline Countess of Romanones Message Board

A Writer posts on 8/4/2011 4:18:16 PM Unless there has been a change you cannot copyright a title.
Roseanne H posts on 8/4/2011 1:22:06 PM The book sounds great, but I wonder how was the author able to use the same name as the 1954 movie, which starred Elizabeth Taylor and Van Johnson.
Anita posts on 8/3/2011 1:34:40 PM Well Angela, I thank you as it has been a long while since I have found a book such as you mentioned here. Therefore, I will run down to the Library and request it. "The Last Time I Saw Paris, sounds absolutely wonderful. If she sounds like The Countess then she is one "resilient & determined cookie" as a character. I look forward to reading this novel.

Angela posts on 7/21/2011 3:02:01 PM I am half way through a book entitled The Last Time I Saw Paris, by a fabulous new author, Lynn Sheene. It is fiction, set in German occupied France where the lead character is a socialite from Manhatten that becomes a spy for the resistance in France. For all of you who are starved for something with the Countesses' flavor, you will love this book. The character Claire reminds me a lot of Aline, with her feisty, fly by the seat of your pants demeanor and built in elegance.
Anita posts on 7/18/2011 9:04:19 PM no problem Sarah, as I figured it out, and its only a mistake. When you think you figure it out let me know. I will keep looking for those notes I recorded a long time ago.
Sarah posts on 7/7/2011 5:00:26 AM Sorry, her name is actually Aisha (sometimes with at 'y') Benhima -- Ahmed was her husband.
Sarah posts on 7/5/2011 12:03:52 PM No worries!! It was really curiosity more than anything. I did try googling but didn't have any luck. I found one woman who I *thought* it might be - Ahmed Benhima, wife of the former Moroccan ambassador to the U.N but something contradicted it (can't remember what) but that was all that I could find. I will keep y'all posted if I decide to take a trip!
Anita posts on 7/2/2011 1:11:30 PM Sarah, my apology...I tore my office apart looking for that info I saved, and still could not find it. I am still looking & when and if I do I will post it.If I could"just remember the name as I tried hard at the time to memorize it. I hope you do go to Extremadura, to Trujillo, and maybe Pascualete. What a wonderful trip it would be for you!
Sarah posts on 7/1/2011 7:51:11 PM Anita did you ever find the real names of Salima and Fatima? I also would love to know who Casilda was!! I recently moved to London, and since I'm so close to Spain I thought maybe I'd go down there for a visit. There's a parador in Trujillo that looks amazing and maybe I could see Pascualete!
Angela posts on 6/26/2011 9:06:32 PM I still believe that her books hold a lot more fact than many others are willing to believe. I guess the same critics might think that God is fictional, based on the many different descriptions and forms he takes, and the lack of physical proof. Just a thought...
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