Harry Turtledove Message Board

Nutball Forever!!! posts on 6/19/2010 3:53:18 AM Back, first things first the harry turtledove books have opened-up our minds..Mexico will be the Vietnam of the post GW2 USA you've got to realize it's all Triangulated it's like the the frontier in America still hasn't closed yet so with this triangulation 1970 will be Like 1890...So I wonder what Woodstock Will be like? In other news if the current US Pres continues collapsing the economy the corporations will flee to the Indian Ocean, even china will be discredited
alexander chalk posts on 5/7/2010 2:31:59 PM I hope that turtledove writes a new book to add to the southern victory series. I don’t like where he left off I want to keep reading the story. There are plenty of problems and conflicts that were not wrapped up that can easily make more books. So I hope he doesn’t leave us hanging.
Reddyeddy posts on 9/9/2009 10:31:57 PM I've noticed in his whole, Great War, American Empire and Setttling Accounts series, Turtledove has remained vague about many great and small weapon descriptions. He has the Confederacy and French come up with light automatic rifles but gives no notes on their developement(perhaps the time traveling Boer Nazis from his first Alt-history book sold them AKs?). The Mormon rebellion is a big part of the great war but no mention is made of the man who created 75% of the U.S. military's automatic weaponry John Moses Browning, a mormon who was alive at the time. It would have been a great scene if after the savage fighting in Salt Lake City or Ogden(the home of the huge Browning clan), the gunmaker was brought to Pershing and Custer. It would have been logical to reveal that Browning had developed his legendary weapons-such as the BAR and 1911 autopistol-but had only made them for the enemies of his people's oppressors(like the CSA and the Europeans). I can imagine Colonel J.T. Thompson offering him the lives of his captured family members in exchange for his technical genius! On the subject of weapons, I noticed that Turtledove is one of too many who think that the Lewis light-machine gun is a British invention! And most importantly, despite the fact that Quebec is quickly conquered and becomes an American ally in The Great War, its most famous son(as far as the History of weapons developement is concerned)is never mentioned in the following series. The reader is left to wonder what happened to Jean Cantius Garand, inventor of the M1 semiautomatic rifle?! Was he called up to serve in a Quebecoise Territorial Army unit(probably not if the Canadian militia was as anti-catholic and Anglo-centric as the OTL canada)and killed in action by the Yanks that his people would quickly embrace as Liberators?Did he simply not go into the armsmaking profession or was turned away at Springfield Armory by Bigots who still thought of Canadians and Frenchmen as enemies? Any of these possible fates committed to a few sentences on paper(e.g.-"'Eh Soorge, those bluudy Yanks got Garand!", "Poor bluudy Bruno! There goes the best gunfixer we had!")would have spared readers like me time wasted wondering why Yank troops used Mausers, revolvers and what sounded like big, clunky Maxim guns while their enemies made leaps and bounds in small arms designs. I mean when was the last time a Frenchie or a Brit came up with an innovative weapon that wasn't thought up by somebody else?!STEN guns are German, BREN guns are Czech, Vickers guns are lightened Yank Maxims, Hotchkiss guns are Austrian and Chatteraults(FM24/29s)are just BARs with top fed mags! I will need alot more details before I can visualize either the French or the Brits giving Germany or the U.S. that much trouble! But I guess Turtledove didn't care, since as in most of his series everything ends up in a big Nuke race!

Anonymous posts on 5/21/2009 9:34:41 PM Don't mind me, just dropping off my Turtledove review: TheGeneralCritic
Jerry Butkus posts on 1/18/2009 12:40:42 PM Just finished reading "After the Downfall", and enjoyed it very much as usual with Harry Turtledove's books. But I would like to point out one technical error concerning the weapon Pemsel had. The machine pistol he had was referred to as a Schmeisser, when it is actually an MP-40. That is a common error as Hugo Scmeisser did not develop the MP-40, but he did have a patent on the MP-40's magazine. The Schmeisser name was stamped on the magazine, so when captured by American troops they mistakenly called the MP-40 a Schmeisser.
Jack posts on 1/10/2009 3:36:58 PM Sorry to miss you Mak, I would have enjoyed a get-together but I guess it's too late now. I've pretty much lost interest in our little board land but I do still work on Turtlewiki. I came in here today out of a morbid sense of curiosity but I'm the fartherst thing in the world from regular here. Turtle Reader, it sounds like you want to have a real, honest to God intelligent discussion on Turtledove's works. I'm afraid you're in the wrong place. No one's used this board for anything worthwhile in years.
Turtle Reader posts on 1/6/2009 3:52:29 PM Just finished reading 'Breakthroughs' and 'Blood and Iron'. Sort of surprised. With the CSA recruting blacks and giving them voting rights I thought Turtledove would take the stance that adversity breeds a new nation, and the CS survives. Then Germany and the US, what with having so many communists and the US having problems with Mormons would be like the Nazis in real life. Then the Allies would defeat them in WWII. But I'm guessing thats not how it goes. Would be good, though. The CSA/Nazi thing isn't as believable, since blacks are so numerous, important economically, and armed. Jews were far fewer, like Mormons, and so easier to get rid of. Nice try on his part though.
Anonymous posts on 12/16/2008 6:03:28 PM Not in the forseeable future and for the forseeable future.
Craig the Goat Hurder posts on 12/16/2008 4:39:20 AM Makkabee Nutball told me about you; will their be a new TL-191 book and and will America Survive in Our Time Line??
Makkabee posts on 12/14/2008 1:34:37 PM Jack, if you still check out this board, I'm gonna be in Jersey for the next couple of weeks. If you wanna get together IRL pm me on the better board or my LJ account and we'll see if we can arrange anything.
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