David Pelzer Message Board

Crystal Beach posts on 2/11/2008 2:47:00 AM I just wanted and needed to say ,, I love your books .I am a mother of 4 ,My kids use to tell me how mean i was because i won't let them go out and play when it was raining,, I told them to read a "a child called it" they came back to me and gave me the biggest hug,,And said "i'm sorry mom" And i am sorry for you david, And so happy you made it , I work in the nursing field and i take care of kids that have been abused by one parent or the other. Thank god you are not one of them..
donna colford crawford posts on 2/9/2008 10:38:35 PM Ive read the 3 books.It was an awful existance that David experienced, even a dog shouldnt be treated so awful. Ive reported much less for a critter being mistreated because we are Gods creatures and children are our gifts from God therefore should be loved and cherishered.I too was abused from birth and put under a kitchen table in a box to be hidden . By age 8 I too knelt on the back door step and asked God to let me die.My mother was a street person her mother always told me I was going to be good for nothing and just like her.My childrens father knew my background even though he had no cause to say things he said he too told me the only way Id make it in life was a thing on the street.We divorced I became a very angry person, i survived. I was resilient.When I was young mental health workers asked what was going to keep me going if the anger ended. I raised my kids. finished high school, graduated from university. became a case worker . stayed divorced 20 years. got remarried 20 years ago.I am now 62 years old . My mother was 76 in 2000. I went to see her before she died and I do not regret my decision.Since then I tell those who will listen to me, but the decision I made doesnt mean I would choose to want to live with her.
Linda sue Tidwell posts on 2/7/2008 10:22:58 PM Mr.Pelzer, I really admire you for overcoming your abusive past. I wasn't shocked by the abuse you lived through.I am shocked you survived it! I have read all of your books."A Child Called It", really hit home for me. Thank you for the inspiration.

Limara Jett posts on 2/7/2008 8:30:17 PM hey everyone my name is limara jett and i LOVE davids books they inspire me sooooo much cause lately my mom has become the mother in his books in third grade she hit me so hard it turnd my eyes black and blue just because i didnt want to go to my piano practice and i had to go to school to it was teribble!!!but i still keep a happy face love ya bye!!!!><>fishy
Jillian posts on 2/7/2008 5:01:36 PM David when i read your books I knew that here is a thing called child abuse. i know what kids go thourgh now. i cry when I read what happend to you. I have told all my friends to read your books. thank you your my idol.
kaitlyn posts on 1/19/2008 12:33:54 AM You are my hero. Im doing a seminar on child abuse and im going to use your book. Thanks you for everything you have done
whitney posts on 1/14/2008 9:17:14 PM to everyone who thinks dave's books are not true!! well, they are!! i mean i feel, just shocked...
Katie posts on 1/10/2008 9:17:58 PM Hello, I am only 11 years old and I have been reading David Pelzer's books but is it true that all of them are made up? I love these stories but people are saying that these are all fiction! I also have a Dave dead? Well anyways I thought that he was/is very inspiring in his writing everytime I opened one of the books I found myself crying reading all the horrors he went through. I really hope this wasn't all just a big story.
Emily posts on 1/6/2008 9:07:12 PM I find it hard to believe as well that this has all been made up. How could Dave have gone into such detail about his abusive home life if it wasn't true? He couldn't have possibly been lying, for the fact that this case has been so recognized that there is no wat it could be even somewhat a lie.
kendra ballou posts on 12/20/2007 9:34:48 PM dear,mr.pelzer i really love your book "a child called it" my teacher read it to us i was really touched and moved by it its a great book
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