Janet Evanovich Message Board

allread posts on 7/31/2009 1:18:19 PM i like Alex O'Laughlin for Morelli. i don't think johhny depp is "buff" enough for ranger
Ishi posts on 7/30/2009 7:41:57 PM In the end, it will have to be Morelli but meanwhile Ranger is titillating! Please make a movie with Johnny Depp, the only guy cool enough to be Ranger, some thirtyish hot Italian guy for Morelli, and I too, think Kate Beckinsale could be Stephanie. Whoever plays Steph has to have a handle on a New Jersey accent though.
allread posts on 7/29/2009 11:59:15 AM yes regina i agree. Steph may be a white picket fence kind of person in the future, and that's when she should look up joe. For now though, she's not ready to settle and should have fun with ranger. Think Evanovich reads these things?

regina posts on 7/29/2009 10:49:00 AM I've read all the Plum books, think they are really good. Personally I think Steph and Ranger should get together not JOe. Ranger lets her be who she is, but protects when needed.Joe just wants her to be a housewife. Steph & Ranger both have issues, who doesn't. Both of them like Grandma Mazur are kinda of fruitcakes that belong together.
plumfan'd posts on 7/28/2009 7:26:25 PM G.. You really should start with One. and work to fifteen. One for the Money is #1
allread posts on 7/28/2009 5:27:57 PM Hi. I am new to the message board, but i would really like to share my opinions about Plum series. Absolutely love them. Although, I do not like to way it is always the same with Ranger and Morelli. I think she should give into Ranger more. :)
Bobbi posts on 7/28/2009 3:27:07 PM SO SORRY you think I was rude I'll just leave you to your opinions since yours are the only ones
G posts on 7/28/2009 3:08:37 PM The Janet Evanovich books are new to me, and came highly recommended. I picked up a couple of them at the library. Do they have to read in order or can I start with any one of them?
Claire posts on 7/25/2009 8:52:20 AM I don't like the feeling that some posters seem to be very judgmental about others' points of view. If we like the books we keep on reading, if not we stop. Let's not let this become an adversarial situation. P.S. I still give my vote to Morelli; life would never be dull with them.
CHL posts on 7/24/2009 6:13:19 PM Bobbi, this is a message board/discussion forum. It's not a shrine for Janet Evanovich. I will write whatever I want and spend my time as I see fit. I have been a fan of this series for a long time, and I have shared my copies with many people. I thought FLF was a lousy book, and I said why. You liked it, and that's fine with me. I don't understand your need to be rude just because your opinion of the book differed from some of ours.
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